I thought I needed to be a supermodel to speak up

Are you a supermodel? White?   Well, then at least, naturally blond?
If not, come back when you’re - otherwise your opinions/knowledge/research/passions don’t matter…

These were the typical comments I often got in Japan when I called the authorities and influencers about stopping diet culture and creating a safe space for emotional eaters when I became a registered holistic nutritionist back in 2007.

For a long time, being able to openly talk about diets and body images,  I needed to be a supermodel (not even close, I’m 5’2” and shrinking!), Caucasian (the only part it’s white is probably teeth, but not even), or blond (well, I could dye and color my hair, but that would look weird on me).

Those “requirements” in Japan felt so hard to break ...and still is.

I’m really passionate about ending diet culture and unhealthy messages toward health from the media, even if they are from my favorite...

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