I wasn't "qualified" to read a self-improvement book

I didn't feel like I was worthy enough to read a self-improvement book. I didn't feel "qualified" to be at a self-development books area in a book store.

I started suffering from several eating disorders from the beginning of teen eras for about 15 years. It started with a very simple sentence, “your calves are too big”. However, my comprehension was…..”I, MY WHOLE BEING, was worthless” (details are on my previous blog).

It was like I started wearing a dark lenses of glasses. I saw everything through the dark lenses. My entire world got darker, things got less important, I felt worthless to give 100% of myself to life. Since you know...I was worthless.

So, every time I went to a book shop, I looked away from the self-improvement areas for those years. It felt wrong to look at the area, it felt like someone was going to catch me for a crime if I “broke in”. The air felt heavy there, and it was just not a place for people like me.

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