Things I did to break my sugar addiction

In my mindful eating support community, there're many who have challenges with sugar addiction. Are you one of them?
I sure was and it was controlling my life, but I'm happy to say that I have a healthy and fun relationship with sugar now.
If you have problems with sugar, here are a few things you can dig to start breaking free from the addiction.

What does your sugar addiction look like? Needing to eat doughnuts first thing in the morning throughout the day? Or a box of cookies at 8 pm?

Is there a pattern for the sugar craving? Maybe every time you talk with a certain friend, you'd crave for a muffin?

Why do you want to stop eating sugar (yes, health reasons, but deeper reason, like "I want to lose muffin tops so that I'm confident going on a date again")

Add some healthy nutrients (like green juice, smoothie, veggies, nuts etc) in your system, focus on ADDing to avoid having scarcity mentality (this deprived feeling tend to evoke "I want more!" and binge)

Find alternative food/beverages you can go to, again restricted feelings don't help, so have enough space for you to be abundant.

If you're ready to face your unhealthy habits and understand why you eat the way you do (like binging on junk food?), I've created an online program for you!
I'm guiding you through the program with 20 videos and worksheets (and the fun bonus has been added!). You can see the actual contents here!
Earlybird sale ends this Friday (April 10), so grab one before it's gone!

