Super simple prep for de-stressing (so that you turn to food less)

Do you find that stress is one of the MAJOR reasons you turn to food?
Do you know where does your stress
comes from?  If you can reduce stress, you are likely to eat fewer comfort foods.

If it's from "too many things to do for too little time" keep reading!

By practicing differentiating things you NEED to do, things you WANT to do, and things you can take off your plate can help you prioritize your time and energy and de-stress.

Let's WRITE DOWN a "To-Don't List" right now! It'll only take a few minutes but serve you so much from now on!

-1 thing I need to do:
1 thing I want to do:
1 thing I can take off my plate:

Now, let's focus on 1 thing you need to do and once it's done, see how you feel about the accomplishment!

Repeat this process daily!
xo Kanna

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Become a person who you can be!

Who here is a baseball lover?

This area in Seattle would have been PACKED if it wasn’t for COVID-19.
My parents, especially my dad, wanted to visit a ball game in the U.S. while visiting us (a huge baseball fan!).
So, when he found out that we couldn’t go to one this year, the disappointment was huge for him and my family.
But, we all focused on a positive side, “what’s going well” parts, and felt grateful for being together and healthy while others are fighting for their lives.
My dad didn’t see a game, but he visited the ballpark and it was one of the biggest memories he created during this stay.
Just like that, there are always two sides for a life event.  It’s up to you to decide which side you choose.
You can choose to be a victim and create negative situations.
Or you can choose to look on the bright side and see what you can do about the event to find positives/happiness within your power.
When you start doing...
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A special video about balancing hormones & emotional eating

My friend and Wellness Coach, Jen Baucom, who specializes in thyroid + PCOS hormones shared why taking care of hormones is SO important, how you can find the imbalances, and 3 great tips on what you can do about them. If you want to feel energized and great all the time right, make sure to watch the video!

I shared information about Japanese culture that didn’t serve me for having a healthy body and mindsets, some differences between emotional eating and eating disorders,, and how emotional eating looks like, what to watch for, and what to do about them.

Excited to hear about your takeaways!


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Things I did to break my sugar addiction

In my mindful eating support community, there're many who have challenges with sugar addiction. Are you one of them?
I sure was and it was controlling my life, but I'm happy to say that I have a healthy and fun relationship with sugar now.

If you have problems with sugar, here are a few things you can dig to start breaking free from the addiction.

What does your sugar addiction look like? Needing to eat doughnuts first thing in the morning throughout the day? Or a box of cookies at 8 pm?

Is there a pattern for the sugar craving? Maybe every time you talk with a certain friend, you'd crave for a muffin?

Why do you want to stop eating sugar (yes, health reasons, but deeper reason, like "I want to lose muffin tops so that I'm confident going on a date again")

Add some healthy nutrients (like green juice, smoothie, veggies, nuts etc) in your system, focus on ADDing to avoid having scarcity mentality (this deprived feeling tend to evoke "I...

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Step by step guid to find a underlying reason why you buy junk food

Who here believes walking away from junk food is all on your strong wills?

I did and so did my clients for mindful eating support for a long time.  Can you guess what happened to us? 

Binged on what we restricted on. 


So, all the efforts - starvation (haha, it felt like it), mind-games, (unhelpful) disciplines only worked so long but took us to the worst place than where we started.


This is why I dive deep into WHYs you want to buy junk food.  Not to restrict you from buying it against your will.

It's so important to know the reason why you need to do the habit that you want to change.  There's an underlying reason for it and unless we address that, you'll repeat the same act. If you ignore it and force it to change the unsupportive behavior with your strong will, it'll only last so long and you'll binge on the food you deprived.


So, it's a good day to think about WHY you want to buy junk food. 

a). Write down the why


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How my emotional eating began at 13

A black pair of riding boots was the origin of my long journey of eating disorders.

I belonged to a horseback riding stable, where many kids were really good and I practiced with them for competitions.

At the age of 13, I was skinny, but had bigger calves than other riders around.  One day, my instructors made fun of me having a hard time getting into my new leather boots, and said “You are the worst rider anyway, so do something about the calves at least!”......

It was also around the time I started feeling insecure about my body. 
It was also around the time I discovered that I didn’t want to compete, but didn’t know how to say it to everyone.  The rest of the riders were grabbing all the prizes and I felt like I "needed to want" the same.  My heart wasn't in the competitions, hence; no good results for many times. I started to feel like...

“I’m just a burden”

“I’m not worthy, I’m not good...

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