NEED to be on a diet or SICK of being on a diet?

If you’re trying to lose weight but emotional eating always gets in the way, I have a question for you.

Do you NEED to be on a diet all the time so that you feel “safe” and “under control” (while it’s working out for you)?

Or, are you sick of tired with all the diets so much that by seeing/hearing “diet” want to make you rebel?

I was both. I had believed that I needed a diet (AKA “Rigid Rules”) to follow to lose weight. But nothing worked. The more I did, the more I gained. I trusted all those diets and gave my 100% commitments, energy, money and time for them, but they betrayed me. They repeatedly did that to me. I was so lost. I got angry and felt disappointed in me many many times. I started repelling. I ate all the “I-can’t-eat-this-food”. I binged and binged. And felt awful and so hopeless.

Can you relate? Connect with me if you want to talk about ways how I break the vicious diet cycle and...

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