Step by step guid to find a underlying reason why you buy junk food

Who here believes walking away from junk food is all on your strong wills?

I did and so did my clients for mindful eating support for a long time.  Can you guess what happened to us? 

Binged on what we restricted on. 


So, all the efforts - starvation (haha, it felt like it), mind-games, (unhelpful) disciplines only worked so long but took us to the worst place than where we started.


This is why I dive deep into WHYs you want to buy junk food.  Not to restrict you from buying it against your will.

It's so important to know the reason why you need to do the habit that you want to change.  There's an underlying reason for it and unless we address that, you'll repeat the same act. If you ignore it and force it to change the unsupportive behavior with your strong will, it'll only last so long and you'll binge on the food you deprived.


So, it's a good day to think about WHY you want to buy junk food. 

a). Write down the why


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Still need junk food? Just remember "G.A.T.C.H.A"!

covid-19 junk food stress Mar 26, 2020

Hi dear! Are you eating more junk food than ever since COVID-19?

If so, you’re one of many. There are so many emotions you go through during this uncertain time; anxious, scared, worried, overwhelmed, and STRESSED.

Yes, having more stress can increase the chance of turning to junk food for a quick reward. Junk food lowers our immunity when keeping it high is so important right now!

In an ideal world, going cold turkey on junk food makes sense, but it’s not that simple for many, right? Without any mindsets and habits shift, it’ll just increase your stress level and lower your self-esteem.

While there’re so many chemically added things I like to avoid, here’s a list of 6 basic ingredients I’d try hard to stay away from, aka “G.A.T.C.H.A”!

-Artificial colors (Blue nos. 1 and 2, Red no. 40, Yellow no. 6)
-GMOs (Genetically modified organisms)

-Trans fats (hydrogenated oils)

-Chemically created artificial sweeteners (aspartame, sucralose,...

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