Why adding more works

No, you don’t need to feel deprived anymore.

There’s so many, soooo many nutritious and delicious foods you can enjoy while trying to break free from emotional eating.

I will NEVER EVER ask you to diet and restrict your food. Because I know it will only backfire at 9pm tonight.

I’m so proud of you trusting a diet giving a 100% go, followed by another, and another...but, did they end up giving you extra weights and stealing your self-confidence, self-esteem, and self-worth? 

This is why adding in works rather than taking away to start overcoming emotional eating.  Start adding delicious smoothie, whole-foods, healthy and fun looking salad!  High quality dark chocolate (cacao 70%+).  Also start adding more joy from non-food sources like relationships, career, dating, parenting, exercising, movements, hobby, community, spirituality and many more!

Once you add so many 'nutrition-rich-things' in your life, you'll start craving less and less of junk food...

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